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Instrumentation, calibration, storage and safety equipment
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Weighing Systems
The Derwent Group range of weighing instruments includes weighing systems, weigh check instrumentation and weigh platforms.
Weigh platforms
Weigh platforms
Weigh platforms
A wide range of portable vehicle weighing equipment for every vehicle from racing cars to the heaviest truck.
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Trueload weighing system
Trueload weighing system
A consistent front end loader weighing device to an accuracy of + or - 1/2%, which operates from load cells, the Trueload system will improve the profitability of any commercial or industrial organisation that needs to move a volume of bulk material with accurate payloads
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Trueload DP-512 Datapod
Trueload DP-512 Datapod
A TrueLoad accessory, the DP-512 DataPod is a new device that kCollects and Stores’ Data intended for a printer. The ‘Reports’ can periodically be Up-Loaded into an Excel Spread-Sheet, located on the Site PC, effectively putting You in control of your Data... This is a Paperless System, which has been engineered to withstand the harsh TrueLoad environment.
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Truecheck weigh check system
Truecheck weigh check system
Truecheck weigh check system eliminates the human effort required to physically load hoppers with actual dead weights to measure hopper operation accurately
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Load Cell Indicators
Load Cell Indicators
Load Cell Indicators
A Battery Powered Load Cell Indicator. This highly stable instrument is ideal for Load Cell fault diagnosis. Containing storage for 99 Calibrations, it is an ideal Engineers Mate...
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